How to Install and Use the DU3MY UDC and Section List
for the N1MM Logger+ Software
Note: This guide assumes that you have downloaded and installed N1MM Logger+ and the latest updates on your computer. The full install of N1MM Logger+ is available here, while the latest updates are here.
Also, please make sure that your computer time is set to PH (local) time, and the time zone is set to UTC+8 (Singapore, Perth, or Taipei).
1. Download the latest file from the N1MM website by following this link:
User Defined Contests (301) – N1MM Logger Plus (
After downloading the zip file, extract the files into your computer, and follow the rest of the guide below.
2. Copy or move the DU3MY_CONTEST.udc file to the My Documents\N1MM Logger+\UserDefinedContests folder. Next, copy or move the DUZIP.sec file to the My Documents\N1MM Logger+\SupportFiles folder.
3. Start N1MM Logger+.
4. In N1MM Logger+, select >File >New Log in Database.
5. In the next window, find and select DU3MY in Log Type.
6. Ensure that the Start Date is properly set to 2023-08-19 00:00:00.
7. Next, click on the Import Section List button.
If import is successful, you should get a confirmation like below. Click OK.
If import is not successful, repeat step #2 above. Then repeat step #7.
8. Next, set the Category Operator, Band, Power, and Mode fields depending on your preference.
Next, set your ZIP code in the Sent Exchange box. For Multi-op entries, you MUST put the call signs/names of the operators in the Operators box, as per contest rules.
Review your selections and entries. Click OK when done.
9. You will now see the Log Entry Window. IF THE BANDS ARE FOR HF, set the correct band of operation by right-clicking on the Call Sign box (#1 in the figure below), then click on Change Band Panel Display... (#2).
The Band panel is now shown. Now select the your band(s) of operation. For Single-op, Single Band entries, select either one of 50, 144, or 430 (see left panel below). Click Exit when done. The resulting Log Entry Window is shown on the right.
For Single-op, All Band and Multi-op entries, select 50, 144, AND 430 (see left panel).Click Exit when done. The resulting Log Entry Window is shown on the right.
Single-op, All Band and Multi-op entries MUST click on the correct band before logging a contact. This will ensure that the correct frequency will be logged. The currently selected frequency is shown on top of the Log Entry Window.
You are now ready to use N1MM Logger+ for the DU3MY Contest.
a. When logging SSB or CW contacts, click on File > Open Log. Select DU3MY. In the Mode selector, select CW or SSB. Click OK when done. The correct mode should now be shown on the Log Entry Window.
b. After typing the call sign of your contact, press Spacebar once to move directly to the RcvZIP box and type the ZIP code of your contact. Then press Enter to log the contact.
c. To view your log, press Control-L.
d. To generate your Cabrillo log, click on File > Generate Cabrillo File. Follow the ensuing instructions.
e. To get the full benefits of N1MM Logger+, it is best to use it in real-time, i.e., during the time you are making contacts.
As long as you follow the instructions described in the guide above, you can also use N1MM Logger+ after the contest. However, in addition to not being able to do auto-logging of date and time, you also need to manually edit the Cabrillo log to input the date and time of the contact, before submitting your log.
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