Contest Rules

As of June 30, 2024

I. Contest Period
Begins:   0000 UTC Saturday, August 24, 2024 [0800 PH Time]
0559 UTC Sunday, August 25, 2024 [1359 PH Time]

All stations, regardless of category, may operate up to thirty (30) hours maximum. 

II. Objectives  
For amateurs in the Philippines to contact as many amateurs as possible in the contest period, and to promote VHF/UHF and 40-meter operation, using different analog modes. 

III. Eligibility

All licensed amateur radio stations in the Philippines are encouraged to participate and must operate within the limits of their licenses.

IV. Bands and Modes

All amateur radio frequencies on 6 meters, 2 meters, and 70 centimeters, and 40 meters may be used as authorized by license class. 

Suggested frequencies: 
  • 6 meters CW: 50.000 - 50.110 MHz 
  • 6 meters SSB: 50.111 - 50.250 MHz 
  • 6 meters FM: 50.111 - 50.250 MHz 
  • 6 meters All modes: 50.500 – 54.000 MHz
  • 2 meters CW: 144.030 - 144.099 MHz 
  • 2 meters SSB: 144.1 - 144.199 MHz 
  • 2 meters FM: 144.2 - 144.98 MHz 
  • 2 meters FM: 145.02 - 145.78 MHz 
  • 70 centimeters CW: 432.020 - 432.98 MHz 
  • 70 centimeters SSB: 420 – 429.8 MHz, 433.020 - 433.98 MHz, 440 – 449.8 MHz 
  • 70 centimeters FM: 420 – 429.8 MHz, 433.020 - 433.98 MHz, 440 – 449.8 MHz
  •       40 meters CW: 7.0 - 7.199 MHz  
  •       40 meters SSB: 7.025 - 7.199 MHz
Operating modes may be CW, SSB, or FM only (PH is not acceptable). Cross-mode contacts are not allowed. 

In recognition of the growing interest in CW for DU hams that do not own a multi-mode radio, we shall be accepting single-tone generated modulation using FM and count these QSOs for CW contact credit. These QSOs must be logged with CW as the mode.

V. Categories of Competition
For all categories: Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee's address, whichever is greater.

Single Operator - All Band
, High Power.    

Only one signal allowed at any one time; the operator may change bands at any time. Output power of 51 watts or higher.
2. Single Operator - Single Band (6m, 2m, 70cm or 40m), High Power.    

Only on
e signal allowed at any one time.  Output power of 51 watts or higher.

3. Single Operator - All Band
, Low Power

Only one signal allowed at any one time. Maximum output of 50 watts only. The operator may change bands at any time.
4.     Single Operator - Single Band  (6m, 2m, 70cm or 40m), Low Power.    

Only one signal allowed at any one time. Maximum output of 50 watts only.

5. Multi-Operator, All Bands 

A station with two or more operators; may operate simultaneously on all bands, with only one signal transmitted per band at any one time.
The Cabrillo log header for this category must include the callsigns/names of the operators. 
For example: 

Stations may operate from one single location only for the duration of the contest. 
VI. Exchange
RS(T) + Philippine ZIP code of the transmitter’s location.  In case of DX (foreign) contacts, please log “0000” for the zip code. DX contacts will receive regular QSO points, but will not count for multiplier credits.

VII. Multipliers
Multipliers are the number of different zip codes and local prefixes worked (i.e., DU – DZ, 4D – 4I). A multiplier is counted only once in the entire contest. 

VIII. Scoring
Five (5) points per QSO on 6 meters
 One (1) point per QSO on 2 meters 

Five (5) points per QSO on 70 centimeters.
   Three(3) points per QSO on 40 meters.
 Additional two (2) QSO points for each SSB and CW contact.

Penalties equivalent to the appropriate QSO point will be applied for busted call signs or not-in-log (NIL) QSOs.

Final score:  [Total QSO points - penalties]   x  the number of multipliers worked.

IX. Awards 
All participants submitting a log, including check logs, shall receive a Certificate of Participation.

Plaques will be awarded to the highest scoring stations in each category. The Club with the highest aggregate score will receive a plaque. See Section X for Club competition. 
The plaques are  courtesy of the Yñiguez Family.
Certificates will be awarded to the top scoring stations in each DU radio district. For District 1, two certificates will be awarded: one (1) certificate for the top scoring station in the National Capital Region (NCR), and one (1) certificate for the top scoring station outside of NCR (CALABARZON and MIMAROPA).

A special certificate will be awarded to the amateur radio club submitting the most number of logs.

Certificates will be awarded for the longest haul for the
VHF and UHF bands. To qualify for this award, (a) the QSO partners must both submit a log, and (b) the QSO partners must both submit the GPS coordinates of their operating locations.

Certificates will be distributed via email.

X. Club Competition
Members of NTC-recognized amateur radio clubs may submit logs for aggregate club score. Club membership should be clearly indicated in the submitted log. To qualify, a minimum of three (3) logs from club members must be submitted. Only the top six (6) scores per club will be counted for the final aggregate score.

XI. Miscellaneous 
1. UTC DATE. Format for UTC date is yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2024-08-24).
2. UTC is the required logging time. Must be in military (24-hour) 4-digit format (e.g. 0600).

3. An operator may sign only one call sign during the contest. 
4. Duplicate contacts on the same band AND mode are not allowed.
5. Aeronautical mobile contacts do not count. 
Contacts via repeaters or digital radio are not allowed. Remote operations are not allowed.

7. No self-spotting or asking to be spotted is allowed. This includes the use of the telephone, social media, and website posts.
8. The use of non-amateur means to complete a QSO is not allowed. 
9. Piggybacking (relaying of contacts) is strictly prohibited. 
10. Contacts made through nets are not allowed.
11. Contacts made on the EMERGENCY frequency, 145.000 MHz, are not valid. 
12. In the event that HERO is activated, all participants are not to use 144.74 MHz and 7.095 MHz
13. Special event call signs must secure a permit from the NTC prior to the contest. Failure to obtain the same will disqualify the contest entry. A copy of the Special Permit shall be submitted together with the log submission.

XII. Log Submission
Log entries must be submitted by 0600 UTC (1400 Philippine Standard Time) of September 7, 2024 to be eligible for awards.

Name your log with your call sign followed by the ".log" extension. For example, if your call sign is DU1ABC, the Cabrillo log should be named DU1ABC.log.

Please email your log to:
dx3h@dx3h.org. Remember to attach your valid RSL/ROC/Special Permit to be eligible for awards. You will receive an email confirmation if your submission is successful, or if there are deficiencies in the Cabrillo log and/or documents that were submitted. 

Entrants are reminded to ensure that their Cabrillo log include the following required information in the HEADER section of the log.

Note: All fields with an asterisk (*) are required fields. Make sure to fill up these fields so you can upload your log. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from the organizers once your log is accepted.


Acceptable Values






6M, 2M, 70CM, 40M, or ALL




The ZIP code of the location where the station operated.


(*Required for Multi-op entries)

A space-delimited list of operator callsigns/names


Your email address.

For the QSO lines of the Cabrillo log, entrants are reminded to ensure that all field values are valid. Invalid field values will lead to invalid QSOs and possible penalties.


Acceptable Values


50-54 MHz, 144-146 MHz, 420-440 MHz, 7000 - 7199 kHz


QSO mode. FM, CW, or SSB. PH is not acceptable


yyyy-mm-dd (2023-08-19 or 2023-08-20)


nnnn (0000-2359)


Your callsign


nnn (usually 59 or 599)


Your zip code


Your QSO partner’s call sign


nnn (usually 59 or 599)


Your QSO partner’s zip code


For more information on the Cabrillo specification, please visit: https://wwrof.org/cabrillo/

XIII. Declaration 
Your submission of a log entry affirms that: 
a.   You have abided by all the rules of the contest as well as the Amateur Radio laws of the Philippines; 
You accept any decisions made regarding your entry by the contest's adjudication process which are official and final. 

Questions may be sent to < dx3h@dx3h.org >.